PUNK POETRY: Bomb the Zoos! But Also by Foolan Flopez

Abolish golf courses bc Tiger Woods  

is not an animal and Utah is a desert 

Stop breeding the cows and just so you  

can squeeze their tits  

Stop eating tiger testicles  

They won’t make your dick bigger 

There’s no such thing as an alpha male  

Grow your own food  

If you see someone step on a snail 

look at em funny 

Call Mario and tell him to stop  

stealing Koopa’s shell 

Stop writing nature poems  

& start sabotaging your neighbor’s sprinklers  

In real life, Spongebob is a blackened blob  

& Patrick dry as a toothbrush  

Don’t feed the ducks bread  

Feed the cops to the pigs  

There’s no such thing as a humane way to kill anything  

Half the animals you eat are smarter than you 

--Foolan Flopez 


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