EDITOR'S NOTE: Punk Monk Press Announcements + Magazine Updates

Hey, all! 

I'm so excited to officially announce the first three chapbook titles acquired by Punk Monk Press, release dates TBA: 

Children of Fire by Irena Praitis 

When You Know by Lacey Cohen 

Backpack by Kit E Lascher 

Each of these works possesses a daring voice and beautiful message, emulating the Punk Monk ethos in their own unique way. I am inspired by each of these authors and honoured that they chose to submit something to my humble corner of the publishing world. I am learning every step of the way and deeply appreciate their continued patience, flexibility, and openness. 

When available, titles will be able to be purchased from our store, and possibly on Amazon if we decide to go that route. Primary dissemination will be via local zine fares and markets in Canada. If any reviewer/book blogger is interested in an ARC, please contact the editor (me) via my personal website cehoffman.net! 

Punk Monk Press will remain closed to new chapbook submissions for a while. I want to give each of these titles their due, as well as be realistic about the time, money and energy I can personally expend. 

On that note, the energy and attention I have for the e-zine portion of this project has dwindled somewhat. We are no longer promoting individual e-zine publications on Twitter, but I strongly encourage all folks published at Punk Monk to make their own posts and tag us @PunkMonkZine. Submissions for the magazine have softly re-opened for August. Can't wait to read your epic words!

On that note! Our Twitter handle and this blogspot url will soon be re-titled to reflect our publishing aspirations. Expect changes to @PunkMonkPress and punkmonkpress.blogspot.com in the next month or so. 

Thanks to everyone for your continued support. This little pirate tugboat has been chugging along for 10+ years now and has managed to retain its DIY/no bs spirit, for which I am very grateful. 

Please read the words we publish. Share them with friends. The literary world is in dire need of kind, authentic spaces where people can be fully themselves. 

Thanks for being here.

All good things, 

C.E. Hoffman


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