PUNK POETRY: It's only ever always rain by Clem Flowers

(Contains copious Joy Division song titles and a part of the lyrics of their song "Transmission.")

There's Saints along the
pavement – you're left to
wonder where the night
went - He seemed so

You weren't one needed
You weren't one needed

begged to see the pain the
stare the hours the twitch
smoking some more so
free so free so free on the hill

He's alone how few you know 
truly walking the path of isolation with
the bloom of hope long ago dead
perfume of rot blends with exhaust 
perfect escape for your
Hero of the lost lights

how you watch with awe dance dance
dance to the rhythm of the rain out
past the interzone into the wilderness
decades of insight in the
shadowplay as new dawn fades

new dawn fades into ice age waiting its
turn losing patience every minute 
& bend fight holler contort like
the devil's spine through
pains disorders bring a 
laugh what a laugh hero 
worship the ones who lived with
this pain not understanding you
were their struggles 
their stories 
their Sorrows 

that little inherent twinge of narcissism of sympathy found family in all our bones that little inherent twinge of desire to ache to feel like you belong -

 you adored these lonesome souls because you 
were the Same inside

same inside the witching hour Beautiful
little agonies wait as the hours fall into
horizon like last stone pillars -
old gods on the upswing
again the way the market
goes buy low sell high tears hurt
as you start to see 
sunshine don't they the radio is Nothing but
snow and now a song in unknown tongue which wrecks 
you when it comes thru

You remember nothing these days You remember nothing these days tension tension freedom freedom You remember nothing these days You remember nothing these days tension tension freedom freedom You remember nothing these days You remember nothing these days tension tension freedom freedom You remember nothing these days You remember nothing these days tension tension freedom freedom You remember nothing these days You remember nothing these days tension tension freedom freedom You remember nothing these days You remember nothing these days tension tension freedom freedom You remember nothing these days You remember nothing these days tension tension freedom freedom You remember nothing these days You remember nothing these days tension tension freedom freedom You remember nothing these days You remember nothing these days tension tension freedom freedom You remember nothing these days You remember nothing these days tension tension freedom freedom

bottle breaks in 
the distance the 
smoke still 
still proof He 
was here

A truck backfires

The world sighs

blue dogs are forever friends
blue dogs are forever friends
blue dogs are forever friends

You remember 
these days

--Clem Flowers 


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