PUNK POETRY: Let the Record Show by D.S.G. Burke


One day I’ll remember to hit ‘record,’ 

Before the argument begins, 

So I can read the transcript later 

Find the exact phrase 

When it stopped being about [what I said something that my friend said and you said “well, that’s racist,” and I said I misspoke and that’s not what they meant...]

What you said in response to what I said,

[You shook your head and said, “it’s racist anyways,” and I said, “don’t say that about my friend,” and you said…]

And we were arguing about the argument itself.

[“Why do you always have to escalate everything?”]

About our relative debate skills.

[“Can you let me finish a sentence?”]

Comparing each of our reactions to the situation we now find ourselves in--

Speaking in elevated tones about our tones. 

[“You always have to make everything political.”]

I need you to understand why I am right and you are wrong.

The turn when we lost the thread of what triggered the row 

[You hate the word ‘triggered,’ because it makes a person sound weak]

Now I’m swiveling my chair around too.

[“You’re so fucking sensitive sometimes.”]

But I’m the one with watery eyes.

“Why are you getting upset?” You ask, triumphantly, swiveling back to your screens.

You’re winning now.

Because we both know I’ve lost 

The game of going through life without getting upset.

Knowing that I can’t let it go. 

“Those are great last words. Can we stop now?”

Knowing you can’t let that go.

Bitter mutterings from your side of the room.

Too quiet for the recorder. 

Anything I fail to hear, I won’t have to forget.

Let the recording go on,

Thirty minutes or so. 

Until one of us--

Often the one who was most in the wrong and knows it--

Speaks to the cat in warm, soothing tones 

As a demonstration of maturity

[Hear how calm I am now.]

You’ve tweezed out the final splinter of anger from your voice.

Later, I’ll show you the pants that I need hemmed.

Later, you’ll ask if I would like some slices of pear.

Let the record show:

No one is sorry,

But we are no longer upset.

-D.S.G. Burke


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