Girls Gone Wild

Girls Gone Wild

has a new website.  Only 99₵
(for a 3-day trial), the latenight infomercial screamed
at me.  See the latest college co-eds getting down
and dirty.  I couldn’t help
but think that girls have gone stupid. 
99₵ for their collective dignities!?!  These are self-
proclaimed collegiates.  I wondered how any of them passed
basic math, if any of them even bothered
to do the math.  I did.  It came
to some bizarre fractional proportion:  1/1000 of a penny
(give or take) a girl. 
That’s the pricetag they have allowed
millions of hairy-palmed hounds to slap on their asses,
or tits, or . . . I turned the channel
in disgust.  For lack of any better options,
I picked up my pen and wrote
a letter to my congressman about the sad state
of education in this country.

--Amy Huffman


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