Existential Gangster's Paradise

Death Grips dropped a single today. I am 
syncing myself with MC Ride to build an agreeable day, 
got to teach myself the sounds of glitches, and 
the lost art of breaking limits. I feel pretty good, 
J Dilla kind of flow is kicking here. 

survive another bout of empty feelings. Check. 
call your wife at work. Check. 
read friend's poems on Facebook. Check. 
be humble. Check. 
drink a lot of water. Check. 
don't use the word "Love" in vain. Check. 
don't forget parents' hard work. Check. 
don't get bogged down by the Matrix. Check. 
keep it gangster. Check.

Break the rules.  

I am not afraid to admit, this is an ugly 
world I live in. Naturalists, Romantics disagree. 
I take a sip of the lager. Beer-buds, 
that is all you need to make the world a better place. 

Get wasted on week-days sometimes. 

"I make the money, man, I roll the nickels. 
The game is mine. I deal the cards."*

I live noise every day, but I was told 
it was all music. But well, I got to take it easy. 
Every moment, countless universes go tangent to me 
I pick up my own, and paint it with thousands of hues. 
I am not afraid to paint it love. I am not afraid to ask for forgiveness. 

--Sudeep Ahikari 

(*The italics-ed part is a quote by the infamous serial killer, Charles Manson)


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