
On rental bed in the apartment
where her drunken boyfriend peed on borrowed
living room furniture late
one fall, she gripped
the phone with moistened hand, wet
from the news that you
were marrying someone else,
knowing she deserved better than getting
pissed on,
knowing still
it was all she had left
-- Linda G. Hatton


  1. Oh wow - bitter and poignant and - just, oh wow

  2. But who is she calling? Mom, friend,boyfriend, old boyfriend? Sometimes the Stanley steamer people will listen to the deepest depths of the situation that has resulted in the need to get your couch cleaned.

  3. Oh my goodness. You guys are too kind! And Lauri, thanks for the chuckle. :-)

  4. What an incredible title. And so sad! But yes, it works and thanks.

  5. Oh, wow ... powerful, powerful piece, Linda.

  6. Great wet imagery throughout keeps the theme going! :)

  7. The rental bed and borrowed furniture are such great images of a transient life. She owns nothing. Great stuff, Linda!

  8. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! It's great to get feedback. Thank you, thank you!!

  9. Excellent work, agree completly with Kasie, I love the transient life and one day I hope to own nothing but the clothes in which I stand and a laptop to keep all my music and books on. Brilliant, arresting title too!

  10. Thank you so much for reading and the nice comments, Bradford.


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