Guidelines- Mag




WE'RE CLOSED for all submissions but remain open to REVIEW REQUESTS! (See below or read this for more info.) 

Submissions will reopen early 2025. Check back later! 

Thanks for being here! 💖

Guidelines have changed! Please read thoroughly. Submissions that fail to do so will be deleted without reply. (If you receive no reply within seven months, assume this has occurred.) (Submitters who realize they've made a mistake are free to re-submit with appropriate corrections.) Respect our time as we do yours! 

Follow us and follow our EIC here. (They followback/support all writers/creatives.) 

Read our interview with Jim Harrington here

We want writing from the gut/heart. 

Paint splatters. Safety pins. Mosh pits.

Healing. Hope. Humanity. 

Mistakes. Misgivings. Misfits. 

Mere shock value has no place here. #OwnVoices strongly preferred. 

We want the mud from which the lotus blooms.

We like pieces with an "untucked shirt." (If you get the reference, this is your scene!) 

We prefer to stay positive, but are decidedly anti-literary/anti-pretentious. We are also anti-scatology. OBVIOUSLY, we are anti-AI.

We are excited to elevate femme/queer voices, though all (within the realms of moral sanity) are welcome. We're especially interested in a feminine perspective w/ edge- that which our EIC has dubbed "femmepunk" in reference to their own work. It's rare to see the two combined, and rarer to find spaces curating those fab femmepunk gems. 


Chris Kraus 

Assata Shakur

Kathy Acker

Elizabeth Smart

Eileen Myles

d'bi Young

Zadie Smith

Helen Oyeyemi 

Judith Katz

Sylvia Plath (her memoir, not her poetry) 

Elise Cowen

Sophie B Watson

Ntozake Shange 

Leslie Feinberg 

Elizabeth Wurtzel 

Saul Williams 

Joy Harjo 

Tommy Orange

Michelle Tea

Claudia Dey

Zora Neale Hurston

Diane di Prima

Sherman Alexie

Maggie Nelson


(NO: fancy shit, scatology, AI-generated/assisted content, hate speech. <- Including misogyny; misandry is equally uncool.)


Please submit 1 poem at a time. Non-rhyming/free verse/short poems preferred. 

Genres: General, Contemporary, Experimental. 

I iterate: no fancy shit. We do not dig Gothic/Literary poems. Please don't send poems that show off your degree. (We prefer if you don't have one!)

No fancy formatting. No five dollar words. (Or four dollar words!) 


Check out Em Ramser's amazing poem to see what we're looking for. 

Rando prompts: saying "no", black fingernails, your first (or last) tattoo 


PLEASE NOTE: We have recently revised our prose guidelines. Not all previously accepted work will indicate current preferences. 

PLEASE ALSO NOTE: Due to an overwhelming amount of submissions that fail to read/understand these guidelines, we are transitioning out of publishing fiction. Acceptances will be few. 

Flash fiction only. Micro-fiction welcome.

We prefer stories that aren't really stories. Is your "story" freakish prosetry, weird musings, raging declarations of independence? Send!  

For "actual" "stories", we like ones where little happens except inside the person's head, whether they're throwing out their old Converses or feeling lonely in a moshpit.

Genres: Minimalist, Urban, Experimental, Hybrid. 

(No genre fiction. This includes if your story starts/ends with a murder.)

Excerpts welcome. 

Jenna Best's flash fiction is a great example of what we want. And B. Hudson's piece

Rando prompts: bruised knees, cracked rose quartz, stray cats 


We want your CNF!!! We hardly get any CNF submissions and WE WANT EM! 


interviews, essays (esp lyrical), op-eds, articles, anecdotes, ramblings, retrospectives, diary entries, lists.


femininity/femmeness/femaleness (esp pieces that challenge stereotypes thereof), feminism, sex work, sexuality (esp LGBTQ and trauma), punk/alt/emo/counter culture, pop culture, nostalgia, mental health/wellness, spirituality/New Age, healing.

Excerpts welcome. Flash only. (Unless solicited by the EIC.) 


We want your art!!! We're not picky. If it explores punk culture/music, mindfulness, fierce femininity, or anything wonderful and weird, we want to see it! 

Open to mainstream art, too!


Get a gander of Laura Brant's Come Get Some! and Seriously? by Kay Hogan for reference. 


We want your music!!! We hardly get any music submissions and WE WANT EM!  

Send a Bandcamp song link or YT/Vimeo link + a small blurb featuring 1-3 quotable factoids about your band + a photo.

See this feature on LastMinuteHero for an idea of what we need. 

(Boring ol' press releases will be deleted.) 


Put the monk in Punk Monk! 

We want your meditations/distance reiki healings/astro reports/binaural beats!!!  

We do not get nearly enough Om Zone submissions and WE WANT EM! Sooooo badly!

Send your meditation videos/tracks from your YT/Vimeo channel! If you have a website, include the link, too! 


For the first time, Punk Monk Magazine is welcoming review requests! We will be reviewing novels, novellas, collections, chapbooks, and microchaps in-house.  

All reviews will be written by EIC C.E. Hoffman. 

Please query to below email. 

Email title: Review Request: Book Title by Your Name. (Eg., Review Request: Come and Join the Dance by Joyce Johnson.) 

PASTE book jacket blurb, author bio, publisher name, and one-page sample in email. (If no publisher name is provided, I will assume the work is self-published.) 

I will be charging an honorarium of $30 CAD per review. (A bargain if you're American or in the UK!) (Requesting a review is completely free; you will only have to pay if I accept the title for review.) 

If interested, I will reply with further instructions.

I will only publish positive reviews (or raves!) and therefore will only review books I can sincerely laud. Feel free to quote the review in your media kit or CV! 

Please submit works that fit the ethos/vibe of our press. 

Previously published Punk Monk writers are strongly encouraged to send review requests. You are free to submit on another writer's behalf if you possess all the above material/information. 

Publishers are strongly encouraged to submit review requests! 

Ready to send? SWEET! 

Email to punkmonkmagazine(at)gmail(dot)com 

Email title: SUBMISSION TYPE- Submission Title by Name you want to be published under (eg: PUNK POETRY- Howl by Allen Ginsberg) 



PASTE in the BODY of your email. Your piece will be published exactly as it was pasted. 


Attach as a PNG or JPG file. 

Reprints/sim subs welcome. 

No multiple submissions. 

If you want to withdraw a submission, please reply to your original email. 

We reserve the right to make edits, and serialization rights. You retain all other rights to your work (as it should be.) 

We don't publish bios. We're chill re: cover letters. (Please stick to gender-neutral greetings! Calling me by name is super cool, too.)

If accepted, please don't email going, "Where's my story/poem/etc" the morning of your publication date. Our pubs are automatically scheduled. If it's not up yet, it will be later! We're probably in different time zones. ^.^ 

If accepted, please do share the publication link on Twitter and tag us! We will RT/comment/sing your praises. (This is also true of acceptance tweets!) 

Stay Creative!

All good things, 

C.E. Hoffman

PS The world needs you. 💕

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